Friday, 15 September 2017

Harlequin List Review

So, a few thoughts on my list and some changes.

The list I took was

Troupe Master, Fusion Pistol, Carress
Troupe Master, Fusion Pistol, Carress

Troupe, 3 Fusion Pistols, 4 Embraces
Troupe, 3 Fusion Pistols, 4 Embraces
Troupe, 3 Fusion Pistols, 4 Embraces
Troupe, 3 Fusion Pistols, 4 Embraces


Starweaver x4

Skyweavers,  Zephyerglaves x3

Ravager 3 Dark Lances
Ravager 3 Disintegrators
Ravager 3 Disintegrators

So, what worked and what didn't?

What worked

The Ravagers are really good. I have been debating dark lance versus Disintegrators, but I think I've finally come down on the side of disintegrators. They are just so much more flexible, and while the maximum damage you might get from a Dark Lance is more, the higher volume of shots and the consistency of the Disintegrators is more attractive.

The Skyweavers were are also "all stars" surprisingly resilient, blisteringly fast, give OK fire support, and reasonable in combat with their Zephyerglaves.More importantly they can block, and lock things in combat to give your Troupes time to get there.

Players are amazing in combat, and they are so fast. But they need to be supported. They fall over to a stiff breeze once they're out of their Starweavers, and at only S4 (with Embraces) really need the Troupe Master's re-rolls. There is an argument for taking Carresses. The way damage works now, it's only really better against T4,T5 and T8 or greater. However, T4 and 5 units are probably the units you want to put your Troupes against most often, and it makes them less reliant on the Troupe Master's re-roll. Might be an argument for taking Caresses and dropping down to only one Troupe Master.

Starweavers are great transports. Minus 1 to hit, 6 wounds and a 4++  make them surprisingly resilient, and 2 Shuriken Cannons is a reasonable amount of fire power - all for 99pts - not bad at all. However, what I've found is that, while they are resilient against a small number of high strength shots, they are vulnerable to large numbers of lower strength shots. In my game against 'nids, the Termigaunts with Devourers swatted them out the sky with contempt.

What didn't

Fusion Pistols. I'm becoming more and more convinced that putting multiple Fusion Pistols in a Troupe is a "trap". At first they seem awesome, but I'm not so sure it's worth it. Bluntly they’re unreliable, and tempt you to do silly things with your Troupes.

I'm no math hammer guy, but it seems to me that a 3+ to hit, followed by another 3+ to wound (most things), followed by d6 damage has too many steps where they can fall down. Another problem is not being able to fire them after you advance. Nine times out of ten you want to exploit the Player's speed, and his/her ability to charge after they advance. If you do that, you can't use your pistol. "But Starweaver drive-buys" I hear you say. Well, yes, when they work they're awesome, but because their range is so short, it tends to forces you to over-commit your to get into a position to use them (particularly if you use "Twilight pathway" to double move the Starweaver). That's a really expensive "suicide" squad! (around 250pts, with the Starweaver, depending on how you tool up the Troupe).

I've never been a huge fan of "swiss army knife" units i.e. Units that do lots of different things. I think specialism is the better option. I suspect it would be better to have maybe, one "disposable" unit tooled up with Fusion Pistols to take out the "big scary" (although that's an even more expensive suicide unit) but with all the other Troupes "just" tooled out for combat.

So, for my 4 squads, one with 6 players and 6 Fusions Pistols, and the other 3 with 5 Players all toting Caresses, but just with Shuriken Pistols. That would save enough points to put Disintegrators on the 3rd Ravager. Alternatively, just take Fusion Pistols off the Troupes completely and invest in something else - that's 117pts - almost enough for a unit of Scourges with Blasters (130pts).

The Solitaire was "situational" at best. I'm just not convinced he's worth his points. Again, the problem is consistency. When he's awesome, he's awesome, he's just not awesome often enough!

Shadowseer. His only use really is to cast Twighlight Pathway on something, allowing it to move twice. Sure he gets of the odd smite, and denies the odd psychic power, but is it really worth 168pts to move a Starweaver 32", maybe twice a game? Not so sure. I suspect I would get better value from a Farseer on a bike casting doom, to allow the Ravager's Disintegrators to re-roll wounds.

Finally, I have no real answer to flyers.

Need to think about this a bit

So maybe something like this

Farseer, Jetbike
Troupe Master, Fusion, Caress
Troupe Master, Fusion, Caress

Troupe, 6 players, 6 Embraces
Troupe, 6 Players, 6 Embraces
Troupe, 5 Players, 5 Embraces
Troupe, 5 Players, 5 Embraces

Skyweaver x2
Skyweaver x2

Starweaver x4

Ravager, 3 Disintegrators
Ravager, 3 Disintegrators
Ravager, 3 Disintegrators

My concern is that it puts all my "anti big thing" eggs in 3 Ravager shaped baskets


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