Monday, 27 November 2017

Harlequins in Chapter Approved

Chapter tactics made a bunch of changes, some of them pretty controversial. But for Harlies, it's most pretty good.

Points Changes

Death jester dropped in points......., OK, you’re still never going to see him!!

Thursday, 23 November 2017

Rapid Fire list, Locked and Loaded

OK, next tournament is Rapid Fire weekend of 2nd and 3rd December.

This is one of the longest running 40k tournaments in Scotland and this will be about the 10th year I’ve been to it. It’s usually a great event.

Competition on the top tables is usually pretty fierce, with a bunch of Team Scotland’s ETC wannabes attending to gain qualification points for the team. From the player list there will be half a dozen or so former Team Scotland players attending. However, mid tables are usually pretty laid back, with lots of fun games.

Tuesday, 21 November 2017

Winter War List Review

A great days gaming. three good games and lI earned a lot. Usual format, what worked and what didn’t in my list, and some learning points.

Monday, 20 November 2017

Winter War Tournament Report

Just back from Winter War, where I was trying out a Pure Harlies list (set out in the last post). Shadowseer, 2 Troupe Masters, 5 Troupes in Starweavers, a unit of 5 Skyweavers with Zephir Glaves, and 2 units of 2 with Star Bolas. It was a one day 3 game tournament, but with 46 players it was a big one.

Game 1

Sunday, 12 November 2017

Winter War 2017 - List

This Saturday I'm off to Winter War 2017. Put on by a local club, it's easily the biggest one day event in Scotland - 45+ players for 40k this year!

It's only three games though, so very match up dependant.

Harlequins again. Pure Harliesthis time, dropping the Ravagers for another Troupe and Starweaver, and a bunch of Skyweavers.

Tuesday, 7 November 2017

Blood and Glory List Review

The list I took to Blood and Glory was 

Troupe Master, Fusion Pistol, Caress
Troupe Master, Fusion Pistol, Embrace (I needed 3 points!)

Troupe, 5 Players, 3 Fusion Pistols, 4 Embraces
Troupe, 5 Players, 3 Fusion Pistols, 4 Embraces
Troupe, 5 Players, 2 Fusion Pistols, 4 Embraces
Troupe, 5 Players, 2 Fusion Pistols, 4 Embraces


3 Skyweavers, 2 Glaves

4 Starweavers

Aeldari Spearhead

Farseer Skyrunner, Doom, Executioner.

Ravager, 3 Disintegrators
Ravager, 3 Disintegrators
Ravager, 3 Disintegrators
Harlequins Battalion

Monday, 6 November 2017

Blood and Glory Tournament Report

Back from Blood and Glory. Great tournament. I went 3-2, coming 15th out of 73. There were soft scores in play, so although I only had 18pts from my games, I got another 6 points from 3 "best games" votes (essentially sportsmanship) and 3 from "best army" votes i.e. painting. I was also one of 6 nominated for best army, although I didn't win. Really pleased.

And I loved playing my Harlies.

So usual format, brief battle reports, a list review, and thoughts on how I’ll develope my list as a result.