This Saturday I'm off to Winter War 2017. Put on by a local club, it's easily the biggest one day event in Scotland - 45+ players for 40k this year!
It's only three games though, so very match up dependant.
Harlequins again. Pure Harliesthis time, dropping the Ravagers for another Troupe and Starweaver, and a bunch of Skyweavers.
Shadowseer with Twilight Pathways
Troupe Master, Embrace and Fusion Pistol
Troupe Master, Embrace nd Fusions Pistol
Troupe, 4 Embarces, 4 Fusion Pistols
Troupe, 4 Embraces, 3 Fusion Pistols
Troupe, 4 Embraces, 3 Fusion Pistols
Troupe, 4 Embraces, 3 Fusion Pistols
Troupe, 4 Embraces, 3 Fusion Pistols
5 Skyweavers, 5 Zephereglaves
2 Skyweavers,
2 Skyweavers
5 Starweavers
So, broadly the tacit is boost the big unit of Skyweavers into my opponents teeth, snag objectives wit the little Skyweaver units, and mop up with the Troupe's. My concern is whether I'll misstate Ravager's fire power.
Time will tell.
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