Tuesday, 28 February 2012

This Weekend

I’m off to Chaos of the Warp this Sunday. Three game 2000pt Tourni. Interestingly they have posted up everybody’s list, and the first round match ups. http://www.chaosofthewarp.co.uk/. Looks like I’m up against a twin landraider Black Templars list. You can also see my 2000pt tau list. Pretty happy with this one. Looking forward to see how it goes against some really strong lists.

Reports to follow.

BTW – went 3-1-1 at Games of War last weekend. I’ll leave Bede and Sir67 to do some reports – no point in all of us doing them. I’ll report generally on how my re-thought Tau list performed next week after all 8 games.


Saturday, 25 February 2012

Update from gow!

Day one of the tournament saw the authors of apostates anonymous all have good results. Sir67 is top with 3 wins and 32 kill points, then I am second with three wins but only 29 kill points. Eyig has two wins and a draw, but was incredibly unlucky to not be on three wins as I'm sure he will tell you all about. Kill points were the deciding factor between ties on tournament points.3 points are awarded for a win, 2 for a draw and 1 for a loss. In the kill points missions, each player gets a secret objective and you are awarded 2 for fully completing them, 1 for semi-completion and 0 for not completing anything towards them

My first game couldn't have been any more difficult, I ended up playing against a razor wolves army and won 9-8on kill points. The player is awesome and I was hard pressed, but I completed my secret objective so I got five tournament points.

The second game saw me play against another grey knights list. We had to fight it out over an objective in the center of the board and this was a very difficult mission to win. The game ended 6-4 on kill points but he only had Draigo left. This took me to eight tournament points.

The last game was capture and control with set placed objectives. I played against an imperial guard army and my second turn saw the most amazing turn of shooting I have ever had. I exploded two leman russ and a chimera and then wrecked another chimera and a hellhound. After that, it was a forgone conclusion but I was able to table him. I like to think that my tactics played a part in how it panned out, but the dice did fall perfectly.

So, my next game will be against sir67 so it will be a tough game! 

I will report back tomorrow night with the final tournament results and full battle reports will follow.


Friday, 24 February 2012

More Tau Lists

Sorry about the long gap between posting, but my router when phut, so no internet. No matter, sorted now.
So, where were we? Well I had posted up my 1500 point list based on my thought process to date. Next up it’s the 1750pt list.
I should say that this is the list I’ll be talking to the tournament Bede mentioned in his last post – so comments on a head to head with Bede’s list would be fun!

Here’s the list;

HQ Commander, TL Plasma Gun, Positional Relay, HW Target Lock
HQ Commander, TL Plasma Gun, Target Lock
Elite 1: 3x XV8, TL Missile Pod, Flamer
Elite 2: 3X XV8, TL Missile Pod, Flamer
Elite 3: 3x XV8, TL Plasma Rifle, Targeting Array
Troops 1: 10 Kroot
Troops 2: 10 Kroot
Troops 3: 10 Kroot, 3 Hounds
Troops 4: 6 Firewarriors, Devilfish, Disruption Pod
Troops 5: 6 Firewarriors, Devilfish, Disruption Pod
Heavy Support: XV88 Targeting Array, HE Target Lock, HW Drone Controller, 2 Shield Drones.
XV88 Targeting Array
XV88 Targeting Array.
Heavy Support: XV88 Targeting Array, HE Target Lock, HW Drone Controller, 2 Shield Drones.
XV88 Targeting Array
XV88 Targeting Array.
1750 Points

Wednesday, 22 February 2012

Games of War!

Well. this weekend sees the start of my tournament season with a two day event at an awesome store called Games of War.

All three of the authors from this blog will be attending so you should have plenty of coverage to follow. I will post the our results after each match so you can follow the ups and downs.

In many ways this tournament is a warm up for future events but I feel added pressure in trying to retain my title, if only for bragging rights!

As has been said before, the tournament is 1750 on the first day and 2250 on the second, with mixed deployments and missions. I've previously ran through the list I intended to use, but my actual tourney list is somewhat different.

Saturday, 11 February 2012

Space Wolves list help.

I played against a friend of mine today in preparation for the 1750/2250 tournament at Games of War. Post game, we spent a while talking about his lists and how they could be improved.
Here is the original list that I played against today;


9 x grey hunters w/ fist, melta, motw - rhino w/ extra armour

3 x 5 x grey hunters w/ power sword, melta, motw - lasback

2 x long fangs w/ 2 x las, 2 x plas and missile (models i have)

long fangs w/ 2 x las, 3 x plas (models i have) - lasback

all lasbacks have extra armour

The list performed fairly well today but we both decided thought there were some improvements to be made. It is a fairly standard wolf razorspam but has a few quirks that he likes and finds useful. so let's see if we can improve it by trimming some fat whilst still retaining the quirks he likes.

1500pt Tau List

First up is a 1500pt list for Throne of Skulls in April.

HQ Commander, TL Plasma Gun, Positional Relay, HW Drone Controler, 2 Gun Drones (115)

Elite 1: 3x XV8, TL Missile Pod, Flamer
Elite 2: 3X XV8, TL Missile Pod, Flamer
Elite 3: 3x XV8, TL Plasma Rifle, Targeting Array

Troops 1: 10 Kroot
Troops 2: 10 Kroot
Troops 3: 10 Kroot, 3 Hounds
Troops 4: 6 Firewarriors, Devilfish, Disruption Pod
Troops 5: 6 Firewarriors, Devilfish, Disruption Pod

Heavy Support: XV88 Team Leader, HW Drone Controller, Targeting Array.
XV88, Targeting Array.
Heavy Support: XV88 Team Leader, HW Drone Controller, Targeting Array.
XV88, Targeting Array.

1500pts exactly.

Tuesday, 7 February 2012

Tau from the Ground Up No3

So let's try and put this all together. Go get a cup of tea, it's a long one!

Remember I’m trying to dispel conventional thinking and start from the ground up. I want to consider all options, even those the Internet says are “rubbish” (well within reason, I wont be considering Vespids!).

I have 2 tourneys coming up and I need 3 lists – 1750 points, 2000 points and 2250 points. We’ll worry about points in the next post; lets try and get the fundamentals first.

I think this splits sensibly into 3 sections Troops, Fire Power, and Survivability.

Friday, 3 February 2012

Tau from the Ground Up No2

So what tools does the Tau Codex have to do what we need to do?

First up, I’ve written this for people with little or no knowledge of the Tau Codex. Tau players might find it a bit basic!

I need three things (i) tools to kill the various threats, (ii) adequate scoring units, and (iii) survivability. If each unit can do more than 1 thing (duality), and there is more than one unit that does any one thing (redundancy), that’s a bonus. So let’s break it down.

Thursday, 2 February 2012

Sir#67 at Throne of Skulls Part 1

I’ve been back from Throne of Skulls a few days now so I figured it was time I submitted my own battle reports.

This is the list I took:

Baron Sathonyx


3 Kabalite Trueborn: 3 Blasters
Venom: 2 Splinter Cannons

3 Kabalite Trueborn: 3 Blasters
Venom: 2 Splinter Cannons

14 Hellions

3 Wracks
Venom: 2 Splinter Cannons

5 Kabalite Warriors: Blaster
Venom: 2 Splinter Cannons

5 Kabalite Warriors: Blaster
Venom: 2 Splinter Cannons, Grisly Trophies

5 Kabalite Warriors: Blaster
Venom: 2 Splinter Cannons, Grisly Trophies

Ravenger: 3 Dark Lances, Flicker Field

Ravenger: 3 Dark Lances, Flicker Field

Ravenger: 3 Dark Lances, Flicker Field

It’s a pretty standard Venom Spam with some Hellions for a bit of combat potential. The grisly trophies are a personal affection. I’ll go more in depth on the 2000pts version of this list in a later article as a lot of my other lists share common elements with it.

Interview with Battlecult

Hello Sir#67 here,

A few weeks ago I was able to get an interview with Liam from Battlecult. These guys are putting on the Rampage tournaments Bede and I are attending.

Disclaimer: The interview was conducted over the phone with me taking notes so Liam’s words are probably not verbatim.